Thursday, November 3, 2011

It is truly a blessing

Post by Cathy J

Hello everyone, I am passing this along as our 40 Days for Life prayer vigil is coming to a close. There seems to be a protest in the making. (Through an email), it looks like there will be protesters out this Sunday, between 1:00 and 4:00 PM. This is our last day and it would be wonderful to see some of our ladies out during this time! (or any time as well....) We would love a large, peaceful, prayer presence during this time if possible. I encourage you to come and say a rosary, or just sit in quiet prayer, and spend some time praying for these babies and their mothers. If you have not yet come out, and maybe feel a bit intimidated, maybe this is the time to try and see what it is all about. It is truly a blessing to be able to sit and pray - I feel such peace there, I cannot describe it in words. I was there this afternoon for an hour and a half, and it seemed like I was only there for 10 minutes... and it is like that every time I go. I pray you all can experience this as well.

We also are ending at 6:00 PM and there will be some cake and refreshments at St. Patrick's directly afterwards.... I really hope to see some (if not all?!) of you on Sunday, and if you cannot make it, please offer up some prayers on your own. 

For Jesus and life and many blessings to you all,
Cathy :) 

1 comment:

  1. Post by Nellie

    I feel the same as Cathy about going to pray and yes how the hours fly by! Great to be among the faithful prayer warriors--or even just one other. I always feel invigorated in body and spirit when I am on the sidewalk praying for conversions of hearts - it's the front lines of battle, next to the 24/7 daily duty of raising children.
    Life for all..

