Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Video: Closing Ceremony

Here are a few glimpses from the closing ceremony of the 40 Days for Life - speeches, prayers and songs...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

40 Days For Life - A Few Photos)

A few more photos from our 40 days-long vigil for life:

Day 1 (September 28):

Day 24 (October 21):

Day 27 (October 24):

A camera phone may not be a perfect tool for taking quality pictures, but it's sure better than nothing at all :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

It is truly a blessing

Post by Cathy J

Hello everyone, I am passing this along as our 40 Days for Life prayer vigil is coming to a close. There seems to be a protest in the making. (Through an email), it looks like there will be protesters out this Sunday, between 1:00 and 4:00 PM. This is our last day and it would be wonderful to see some of our ladies out during this time! (or any time as well....) We would love a large, peaceful, prayer presence during this time if possible. I encourage you to come and say a rosary, or just sit in quiet prayer, and spend some time praying for these babies and their mothers. If you have not yet come out, and maybe feel a bit intimidated, maybe this is the time to try and see what it is all about. It is truly a blessing to be able to sit and pray - I feel such peace there, I cannot describe it in words. I was there this afternoon for an hour and a half, and it seemed like I was only there for 10 minutes... and it is like that every time I go. I pray you all can experience this as well.

We also are ending at 6:00 PM and there will be some cake and refreshments at St. Patrick's directly afterwards.... I really hope to see some (if not all?!) of you on Sunday, and if you cannot make it, please offer up some prayers on your own. 

For Jesus and life and many blessings to you all,
Cathy :) 

Notes from Miramichi Right to life Chapter

Post by Gina Cote

Members of the miramichi Right to llife Chapter were priviledged to stand across the street, facing the George Dumont Hospital every Monday from 10:00am until 4:00pm. The experience is unique, one can say "a calling from Jesus" to defend life by being a visible means to reveal the Hospital that snuffed out the life of 200 babies through abortion this year. In spite of the numbing cold, rain and high winds I rather be there than enjoying the warmth of the sun, because the motive that moves us to do the 40 days of fast and prayer can make a difference in the evil abortion. This work warms my heart to spite the cold.day. Someone might say, Does it make a difference? If you heard the response from the Moncton public as I did you would see how much people do care as most were glad to see us praying. The Faith is alive+ I was priviledged to meet many wonderful people on the line wearing the different signs: I REGRET MY ABORTION or I GAVE MY BABY UP FOR ADOPTION or FAST AND PRAY TO END ABORTION, etc. Sometimes people who identified with these words stopped to talk. We remained silent most of the time but when a need for information was too great to be ignored a prayer card was handed out or giving them a smile was sufficiant. We do not know how many babies were saved during those 40 days but someone once said that when we die God will not ask us if we succeed, but only if we tried. By the grace of God I was involved and I am grateful. God Bless the people who inspired this work: Mario, Rosalie, Sister Cicile, Brenda are only a few that come to mind. There are others and without them we would not be successful. God Bless all of you.

 Gina Cote

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Post by Robert  B

Consider these scenarios:

Scenario 1: An older women, with no children finds out that she is pregnant. Should she give up her child because of the high risk of child birth associated with being older or should she keep the child?

Scenario 2: An unwed teen girl finds out she is going to have a child. Her friends will shun her, the people in her society might stone her. Should she quietly go somewhere to end the pregnancy or should she accept what has happened in her life?

Scenario 3: A man finds out the his fiancee is pregnant and that it is not his child. Should he leave her? Should he force her to abandon the pregnancy? Should he ridicule her in front of everyone? Should he accept what has happened and keep on loving her and the child as if they where his own?

Scenario 4: An unwed teen mother of one finds out that she is about to have a second child. Should she stop the pregnancy because of her financial and social situation or should she give up her child to adoption?

If you are to ask the people at pro-choice, they will give you the same answer to each of these four scenarios. The choice of the pro-choice movement is almost always abortion.

So what did happen in these real life stories?

Scenario 1: Zachariah and his wife Elizabeth decide to keep the child who goes on to be the last great prophet, John the baptist, who announces the coming of the messiah Jesus.

Scenario 2: The young girl says yes to the pregnancy. Her fiat (yes) will mean the she will become Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. Where would we be without her "yes" to life?

Scenario 3: The man in question is of course Joseph, who was betrothed to Mary.

Scenario 4: Without this mother accepting life, and the very difficult choice to carry her child to term and then give him up to adoption. I would not be here today. I am thankful to her and to the loving family that adopted me. To mom who brought me up and to mom who gave me away to receive me back over 30 years later, Thank you with all my heart.

I am for "choice" ,if the choice is life.

Living is easy with eyes closed
Misunderstanding all you see

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A message from Roberta C

Dear 40 days for life participants,

What are we doing to help prepare women seeking help with an unplanned pregnancy? With my experience, the missing link when I sought help (being pregnant myself) was a more warm humane reception with a minimum of 2 hours consultation with all the necessary information to help me take a more thorough decision. God bless you.

NOTE FROM Sr Cecile : Only 6 days left !!!

The closing of the 40 DAYS FOR LIFE will take place at St. Patrick’s Family Centre, 34 Providence Street, this Sunday, November 6, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Come in great numbers to celebrate the success of this second "40 DAYS OF PRAYERS FOR LIFE" in Moncton.  A lunch will be served. 

ALL ARE WELCOME to this celebration! For information, contact Sr. Cécile F. LeBlanc at 857-4914.

IMP: Please note that the final prayer vigil at the site will be held on Sunday from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Please join us in this last hour of prayer.
VIDEO: Worth the time! I have never seen the holocaust & abortion paralled this well before. Watch until the end:  http://www.lifenews.com/2011/10/18/180-movie-on-abortion-reaches-1-million-views/  
From: Sr. Cécile F. LeBlanc

Monday, October 31, 2011

More wee bites of moncton 40days

 Post by Rosalie

Several  new  faces  these  days  at the  40days  prayer site , and to  me  that  is  a  good  sign .   The  graces  needed   to  commit oneself to  this very  important  witness  comes  to  each one of us at  different  stages  in our  lives ..
Hopefully  some  of  the  first  time  vigilers  will  share  with  us    what  it  was  like  for  them.  One  thing  that  we  all know  for  sure  is  that  our firm ,peaceful presence is a reminder to the  world that  we  reject--how  BARBARIC--our  rich , educated society has  become . Let  us  pray that  people's hearts will be  changed ,  one  at  a time.,---those  in  crisis  as  well  as  those  quietly  witnessing our  strength.
Wednesday  morning  approx. 10  am.  , a car  pulled  to  a stop  directly  in  front  of  four   of  us  sharing  prayer time.. The passenger  window rolled down &  I  thought ,  someone else  wanting  directions.....but a  lady  ,the  driver  &  sole occupant in  the  car  briefly  looked  our  way  &  then..looked  ahead &  with   open hands  each  side of  her  wheel  called  out  quite  loud   &  moving  her  head  side  to  side  " DON"T  DO  IT-- .DON"T DO IT --DON"T DO  IT " & immediately  proceeded  to   drive on.   Our  prayer  intensified  for  her as  she  appeared  quite  agitated.    Only  God  really  knows  what  this  women  ...40ish...was  going  through.
Keep  praying  wherever  you  are  that  someday  soon  all  life  from  conception  to  natural  death  will be  respected  in  our  world.
God  bless each one  of  you.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Praying at the 40days site

Post by Roberta
Praying at  the  40days  site in  Moncton has  been  very  enlightening . I  have  to  admit , it  was  quite  embarassing at  first , to  pray  in  public  especially  with  my  rosary.  " Forgive me  Jesus" for  you  have  said  something about  those  who  will be  ashamed of  You  so  shall you  be  of  them.
This  year , there  is  something  new   at  the  prayer  site I  asked  for  &  it  was  provided ---a sign  that says  "  I REGRET  MY  ABORTION "  That  was  like  splashing  my  whole  life  in  front  of  the  whole  world,  but the  HOLY  SPIRIT  gives  you  strength  that  you  don't  even  realize  that  you  have..
God bless you  all


This  note  from  Brenda:
During  my  40daysfor LIFE Vigil , I wear  the  sign "  I CHOSE ADOPTION FOR  MY  BABY "  I was  approached by  various  individuals who  were  either an  adoptive parent,or  someone looking  for  their  birth mom or someone who  had  already found their birth mom.
Another  lady  on the prayer line explained to  her  young son what  my  sign  was  about.
On  a separate occasion, another day , a lady  passing  by  in  her car , roared out .." Get  a life."  I  quietly  pointed  to  my  sign and thought  " I  did  give a life "
One  day , a man  walked by and said "  You  should be  more  concerned  about  the  wars  going on around the  world "  I said  to  myself " I AM.,  my  war  is  against  aborting  children "
To  witness  at  the  40days  for  LIFE VIGIL   for  God &  HIS  babies is  a great  privilege  for me .

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wee bites of our 40 days for life– Moncton 2011

 Post by Rosalie
Another  wet  day ,  but  none  of  us  melted &  folks  were still  seeing the  message through  their  foggy  windows &  more  thumbs up  &  one  shout (  not  repeatable ).
The  very  pregnant  mother who,  along  with  her  two year  old ,  prayed  with us  a  couple of  times, apparently  delivered  to-day.  We  will report  as  soon  as  we  get  the  facts.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Post by Rosalie

Monday   Oct. 24th..
Fresh   and sunny  day ..outside ..but  to  us ...   the  thought of  the  little   helpless innocent   lives  being  aborted this  morning   inside  the  hospital,  renders  our  prayer  time  less than  sunny. 
There is a double  tragedy.   
 #  1 :  that it  occurs
 #  2 :    is  that  while it  occurs, life  for  so  many goes on with   " business as  usual ".  ABORTION      becomes  part  of the  landscape;&  is conside red  a normal  part of the orderly functioning  of  society. From the  looks of  things    "  EVERYTHING"S  O. K. "
To-day had  a steady  stream  of  worriors @  ground  zero &  constant  prayers.  They  came  from  Moncton,   Riverview , Dieppe,  Miramichi , Irishtown ,  Rogersville ,Scoudouc & Shediac . A gentleman  from  Fredericton ,visiting  friends  in  Moncton  took  time  to  come  spend  one  hour.  We  thank  God    for  His  blessings  of  sunshine and  pleasant  weather  on  these  generous, committed  pro life  souls.
 For  you  who  ask   "when   is  best  to  come ?",  a few  more  between   9am  &  noon  would  be  good.  But  do  continue  to  pray  wherever  you  are.  Prayers  are  never  wasted. 
For  "Life "   Rosalie

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Un apercu de 40jours Moncton 2011.......par Rosalie

Post by  Rosalie
Nous  voici  a jour  26 ,  belle journee ,un  peu  fraiche  mais  plaisante.
7am  et  trois soldats de  prieres  fideles  et  matinal  qui  s;installent.  Les  claxons  et   beaux  saluts  sont  encore  plus  genereux et  evident aujourd'hui. Il  faut  le  dire.....Satan..a trouver  le  moyen  de  se  faire  entendre aussi..a travers  la  voix  de  jeunes gens...a  quelques  reprises..passant en auto a la  vitesse.
Le  pere  de  " Faith "  vient  nous  visiter  vers  2pm, pour  introduire  sa  mere  et nous  dire  que  le  bebe,qui  a  maintenant  trois  semaines  est  encore  a l'hopital.C'est a cause  de  ses petits poumons. Il  nous  dit  toujours  merci  de  continuer  de  prier.
Un  monsieur arrete  son  auto  pres  de  nous  pour  aussi  dire  "Merci  de  ce  que  vous  faites ",   "puis-je  prendre  une  photo  de  votre  pantecarte?  " 
Un  jeune  couple  qui  vient  toujours  prier  le  dimanche ,  nous  partagent  leur  inquietude  a  propos  du  manque  d 'education  publique au  sujet  de  methodes naturelles  de  plannifications de  naissances  et   MANQUE de   DIRE   TOUTES LES  OPTIONS  DISPONNIBLES  au  cas  d'une  GROSSESSE INATTENDUE...AU  LIEU  DE  SUGGERER  IMMEDIATEMENT  DE  TUER  LE  BEBE.
.Trois monsieurs  font une  heure de  trajet  en voiture..pour  nous accompagner..priant  de  4 a 7 pm. Les  trois  sont   CHEVALIERS DE COLOMB.
Seulement   5  enfants  viennent  pries  aujourd'hui.,  mais  ca fait  toujours  du  bien  au coeur   de  les  voir  parmi  nous.
N'oubliez pas  que  vous  etes    BIENVENUE..de  vous  joindre  a  nous pour  au  moin  ,  une  heure de  prieres  ,    que  notre  societee se  tourne  vers  la   VIE  au lieu  de  la  mort pour  touts   ces  humains  qui  sont sans  defence.....chacun  cree par  Dieu.
" Un pays  qui  tue  ses  bebes ,  n'a  pas d'avenir  "..(.M. Grondin )
s.v.p. ( excusez  mes  phrases  sans  accents.)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I have Rubber!

Today with the rain the road was flooded and some drivers were purposely splashing water onto the vigilers. One of our courageous vigilers told me he stayed there and  welcomed them saying "Come on, I have rubber", meaning he wore rubber stuff. I wish and pray for this endurance on the face of  opposition!

Ephesians 6: 13- 17 : "Therefore take up the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to withstand on that evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. Stand therefore, and fasten the belt of truth around your waist, and put on the breastplate of righteousness. As shoes for your feet put on whatever will make you ready to proclaim the gospel of peace. With all of these take the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench  all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God"

Sunday, October 16, 2011

What makes them so angry?

Post by Nancy

So many stories… as we stand on the side of the road praying for the end of abortion people stop by, some full of joy as they show us their newborn baby, some seeking answers for the meaning behind the struggle their newborn is having in intensive care, others burdened with guilt and remorse over the child they aborted in their youth… with a mixture of intense joy and sorrow we humbly seek God’s forgiveness for the bloodshed in our land and plead for His intervening hand to come and heal our land.

There are other stories… but these people don’t stop, they are mostly young women, they are full of hatred and demonstrate their anger in many different forms. I stand and watch and I ask myself, what makes them so angry? If we were praying to stop the killing of unwanted puppies would they be so angry? I think not. So what is it? What is it about the praying to end the killing of human babies that brings out such evil?

Romans 1:18a comes to my mind, “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness”. People are attempting to suppress the truth and as we stand and pray people are faced with truth and they don’t like it. It is the truth that incites their anger. What if these young women have had an abortion and realized that they were told a lie? Each one realizing it was a lie only when she felt the anguish of her child as he/she died a cruel death at her hand. Now that truth must be suppressed, it is too painful to acknowledge. My heart aches for them, the pain they must be suffering, no wonder they are angry.

The saddest thing of all is that the Truth they are suppressing is the very Truth that can set them free. Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life (John 14:6). Jesus says “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls (Matthew 11:28-29) That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9). Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” and So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed”(John 8:32,36).

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.2 Chronicles 7:14.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Wee bites of our 40 days for life– Moncton 2011 by Rosalie

I can honestly vouch for myself and other prayer participants that our faith also, while being tested by the inclement weather and multiple distractions is at the same time experiencing growth.
Think of it – while you are physically present at the 40 days vigil you are “multitasking” : as a witness to the unborn helpless and innocent, their parents, and also visibly praying for the hundreds of people driving and walking by –letting them know that life is precious and has to be defended at all costs..
As I write – 22 days remain of the vigil- I invite each one again to find 1 hour out of your busy schedule to come and be a witness for the precious gift of all life that only God can give and only God can take away...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wee bites of our 40 days for life– Moncton 2011 by Rosalie

In the last few days we were praying for a young lady already booked for abortion of her 10 weeks old baby. We now sadly know that the baby died, one of the 20 or so this past Tuesday at the clinic in Fredericton. Our prayers continue for this mother that she eventually seek forgiveness and healing.
     Another young man came to us asking for a picture of “Mary”. He comes by quite often to say hello and has shared with us that our praying presence at this time of his life( his baby in hospital) is helping him to discover anew his faith roots and he and his girl friend have been able to pray together at the baby’s bedside.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pope Benedict on Life & Faith

".2. Ever since the start of my ministry as Successor of Peter, I have spoken of the need to rediscover the journey of faith so as to shed ever clearer light on the joy and renewed enthusiasm of the encounter with Christ. During the homily at the Mass marking the inauguration of my pontificate I said: “The Church as a whole and all her Pastors, like Christ, must set out to lead people out of the desert, towards the place of life, towards friendship with the Son of God, towards the One who gives us life, and life in abundance.”



October 11 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

“I chose adoption for my baby”

Wee bites of our 40 days for life– Moncton 2011 by Rosalie

One of our regular vigilers holds the sign “I chose adoption for my baby”. A fairly young man approached her to say that he was adopted and was still hoping to meet his biological parents, so Brenda offered to help look up the agencies that could help him.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Wee bites of our 40 days for life – Moncton 2011 by Rosalie

This year again, it was difficult to put a schedule together as people couldn’t commit to a specific hour when they would be able to come and pray. With trust in the good Lord 40 days must go ahead- miraculously prayerful Pro-life souls are appearing in rotation. Thank you Lord. The few who have volunteered to fill the gaps make it possible for a continuous presence at the vigil site 7 am to 7 pm.

We are standing as witnesses for the helpless innocent unborn, but at the same time praying for the mothers and the fathers also the abortionist and their staff, the visitors coming and going and very much so the drive by traffic –many of which seem to be numb to the reality of the ongoing massacre.

Not everyone is numb. As expected the negative reactions are there. The very first day 3 young people with homemade Pro- Abortion signs stood for a couple of hours across from us and had organised car horn honking driving back and forth. Also the usual 3rd finger and shouts of “go home” “get a job”, “shame on you”, “you are cruel” “go get a life” “you should be ashamed of yourself” etc. in French and English.

But having already passed the 1/3rd mark of our Prayer Vigil, it is more obvious than before that many many folks are supporting the cause of “Life”. The gentle nod of the head and hand waves and calling out “you are making a difference”, “keep up the good work”, “I am with you” etc.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wee bites of our 40 days for life – Moncton 2011 by Rosalie

Mid week a young mother pushing a child in a stroller confided to us that during her first pregnancy, at the age of 13, she was strongly advised to abort but then due to an accident she lost twins! With a second pregnancy again she was told to abort again due to her baby having multiple health problems to which she replied “Kill me first” This is the baby in the stroller...

40 Days Moncton Meets Rick Hansen Relay

Yes, our 40 Days for Life vigil actually happened to be on the Rick Hansen Relay route. We were finishing our second day (it was about 5pm) when the relay team went by, smiling and waving to us.

Different teams, different ways, but one message: Life is precious.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wee bites of our 40 days for life – Moncton 2011

Post by Rosalie

Early the very first and cold morning shortly after we were nicely set up with signs etc. at our post across the street facing George Dumont Hospital. A young man biking by called out “Oh no, not you again”.

My first day at 40 days!- Purpose & Means!

"We are called to be God's messengers; or as the Apostle Paul told the Corinthians: "We are ambassadors for Christ, as if God were appealing through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ: be reconciled to God" (2 Corinthians 5:20). That is the true message to all we encounter at the abortion centers and in our communities who have been deceived by the Culture of Death. We don't bring condemnation; we bring God's good news." David Brandao Communications Director, 40 Days for Life

This passage which I read from the 'daily devotionals of the 40 days for life' on the first day taught me the Purpose and Means of the 40 days of life. The Purpose - "Reconciliation to God" and the Means - "by being the ambassadors of christ". This passage comes back to my mind often when I join the Prayer at George Dumont and strengthens me!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Post by Rosalie

Our kick off on Sept 27th saw 47 hardy souls of all ages came to pray. The evening was cool and windy and we were outdoors at the Magnetic Hill Prayer Garden. After the prayers and singing sister Cecile introduced the general pattern of the 40 days vigil and invited prayer warriors.