Monday, October 15, 2012

Hi  all.......So  good  to  see  you coming &  going&devoting  time praying at  the  40days vigil  site. Do  you  sense  like  myself,  that  this  year  ( our  third  year )  a very positive general  atmosphere is  felt  from  the  passing public ...waves , &  honks & on  warm  days  some  will call out.."good job "  or " i  agree with  your  cause"
Now  the  negative  comments are coming   at  us  as  well..usually  in  a  -one  word  shout  from  their  moving  car..  or  a distinct  (finger sign )..&  our  only  reaction  should  be   an  extra special  prayer just  for  that person .

The  weather  has been  fairly  kind  to  us..but  when  you  come  to  pray  take  along an  extra's  N.B.&  the  winds   &  the   "water  clouds "  do surprise  us.

God  bless each  one  of  you ...until  next  time..(  now  that  i  know how  to  get on  the  blog  !!!)


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