Monday, September 30, 2013

Dear good prolifers,

All is going well at the prayer site.  We started with two good rainy days followed by four beautiful sunny days and more sun tomorrow 31st.  I  guess we needed to get wet in order to really get going.  Oh! God's sense of homor!

Thank you Jeff and Nancy for the new signs Wow! Thank you Brenda for the banner of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  I like to wear it daily.  One sign  to have in the near future is:  Women deserve better than abortion

Thank you Good Lord for the opposition across the street from us.  They are a sign  of a lost generation  having been mislead and for whom we pray daily.  One lady had the cutesst baby today while another held a sign:  Pro child, pro family, pro choice.  We have one saying:  Pro child, pro woman, pro life.  
 Rosalie wants to send you a message.  I hope she gets through alright

Come and pray with us, we always appreciate your presence.

Sr Cecile

PS  We had a great launching last Tuesday 24th, the weather was perfect for an evening of prayers, song and more around a big bonfire  Over 40 people were present.. 

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